CIARA enables users to optimize their OT-cybersecurity expenditure based on operational preferences and budgetary constraints, so that whether the user aims at improving IEC62443 compliance or reducing the risk of a specific critical business process, CIARA will produce a prioritized mitigation plan to achieve those goals.
Non-Destructive Simulation
CIARA’s OT-BAS (breach & attack simulation) engine simulates hundreds of commonly-used security controls against relevant known threats, factored against common OT risk scenarios (loss of availability, loss of control, damage to property, etc). CIARA’s non-destructive, digital image-based simulation ensures the integrity of the network during breach simulations.
IEC62443 Compliant
Compliant with the ISA/IEC 62443 standard, CIARA helps customers that are new to OT Cybersecurity to achieve compliance and optimize their cybersecurity expenditure. CIARA’s risk assessment & mitigation planning process utilizes ZCRs (zone & conduit requirements) as specified in the standard
The first step to implementing an effective industrial security system is knowing and seeing your network.
You can’t protect what you can’t see, and to protect your network successfully you need full visibility into all device properties including lifecycle state, logic version, vulnerabilities and inter-device vectors.
The iSID industrial threat detection & monitoring system self-learns the OT network non-intrusively (using a mirrored data stream from each business unit) to produce an accurate digital image/model of the network.
The model is used as an invaluable operator visualization tool, customizable to the users needs; and also serves as the basis for breach & attack simulations (BAS) by the CIARA risk assessment & management platform. This eliminates the potential damage cuased by simulating breach attempts on the live OT network.
Radiflow iSID’s network map, down-drillable to all device properties, vulnerabilities and inter-device attack vectors
Transition from Threat Detection to Risk Management
OT cybersecurity has evolved in recent years. Its next evolution is all about custom-optimizing your ISC security efforts/expenditure, rather than going for a one-size-fits-all solution. This is done by accounting for each network’s specific characteristics and each user’s preferences: the impact of an attack on different ICS business units, tolerable risk for different zones, already-installed mitigation controls, the user company’s sector and locale, and on and on.
Radiflow’s CIARA industrial risk assessment & management system performs numerous breach and attack simulations using thousands of data points for attacker tactics and techniques (acquired from multiple threat intelligence sources), device vulnerabilities, operational zones’ actual, tolerable and required protection levels and more. The outcome of the simulations is a prioritized risk reduction & threat mitigation plan that ensures your OT security budget is spent where its the most effective at meeting your cybersecurity objectives and preferences.
Radiflow iSID’s network map, down-drillable to all device properties, vulnerabilities and inter-device attack vectors
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