Ilan Barda, CEO, Radiflow
A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of presenting at the Copa-Data zenonIZE conference. My presentation focused on the analysis of gaps and mitigations for IEC62443 compliance in OT networks. Here are the highlights.
In today’s industrial environments, it is essential to streamline the flow of security alerts between the security system (IDS) and both the operations personnel and IT professional, for better security as well as better implementation of risk mitigation approaches.
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The IEC 62443 standard for Security of Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACSs) outlines the process of mapping system assets and partitions as part of the OT cyber risk assessment process, which eventually results in risk scoring and drafting requirements for implementing security controls.
Zone & Conduit Requirements (ZCRs) as perscribed in IEC62443
The IDS-SCADA integration
In typical deployments, an Industrial Threat Detection system such as the Radiflow ISID is used for passively monitoring the OT network; mapping networked assets, links and vulnerabilities; amd detecting and alerting on anomalies.
The IEC62443 standard emphasizes the need for a central, auditable mechanism for distributing event and alert information to stakeholders (IEC 62443-3-3).
Typically, an organization’s cyber security tools report to SIEM platforms used by the SOC analyst. However, in industrial enterprises this might not be sufficient due to the lack of OT know-how among the SOC team.
At the zenonIZE conference we have introduced a unique integration with the CopaData zenon SCADA system:
I found that the best way to present the value of this integration is by walking through the life-cycle of the NIST cyber-security framework:
The NIST Framework Threat Handling Lifecycle
The IDS-SCADA interface
The iSID software interfaces with the SCADA server using either industrial protocols (e.g. Modbus, DNP3) or REST API:
By connecting the SCADA system to the IDS, the operator can easily add a color-coded (e.g. blue) indicator for “Cyber Alerts” in the SCADA event management dashboard to view cyber alerts in the dashboard, along with all other production alerts, for easy correlation.
In industrial enterprises the OT IDS should interface with both the SIEM at the SOC and the SCADA server at the production control center. This dual reporting facilitates the sharing of event handling responsibilities among the SOC and OT teams.
We welcome you to watch the demo video of the joint iSID-zenon solution, as well as the recording of my presentation from the zenonIZE conference.
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Quarterly ICS Security Report 2024 Q4
Harmonizing risk and consequence strategies across IT and OT environments for greater cyber resilience